04 Dec 2024
Ecopetrol to build Latin America's largest green H2 plant in Colombia
Colombia's state-owned energy company, Ecopetrol, plans to invest $28.5 MM to construct a green H2 plant in Cartagena, projected to produce 800 tpy, making it the largest in Latin America.
03 Dec 2024
New milestone for the H2 strategy: KfW supports network development
KfW is supporting the construction of a national H2 core network on behalf of the German Federal Government. This project is a key component of the Federal Government’s national H2 strategy, as a result of which infrastructure with a total length of 9,040 km is to be created by 2032.
02 Dec 2024
Done right, Scotland’s H2 export strategy can open doors worth £93 B worldwide
Leading trade body, Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) says Scotland’s new H2 export strategy can build on the nation’s industrial strengths and unlock a £93 billion export opportunity if firms are now backed with a clear action plan to attract investment and talent.
29 Nov 2024
Exolum launches H2ROAD, a new line of business for integrated hydrogen logistics
Exolum has launched a line of business called H2ROAD with the aim of leading the energy transition by providing efficient, optimized integrated logistics solutions across the entire hydrogen value chain, thus helping achieve global decarbonization goals.
22 Nov 2024
Hydrogen Europe and H2Chile to strengthen industry cooperation on clean H2 deployment and trade
Hydrogen Europe and H2Chile have signed a MoU during the European H2 Week, under the patronage of the Chilean Embassy to the European Union and the European Commission, and in presence of industry stakeholders from both the European Union and Chile.
U.S. awards $2.2 B for Gulf Coast, Midwest H2 hubs to advance clean energy
The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded up to $2.2 B to H2 development centers in the Gulf Coast and Midwest to advance clean H2 production, which is currently costly when produced using renewable energy.
21 Nov 2024
Clean Hydrogen Works awards McDermott FEED contract for Ascension Clean Energy (ACE) project
Clean Hydrogen Works (CHW) and McDermott announced that CHW has awarded McDermott the front-end engineering and design (FEED) contract for the Ascension Clean Energy (ACE) project.
19 Nov 2024
Penspen wins H2 blending contract from Latvian gas operator Conexus Baltic Grid
Penspen is expanding its energy transition project portfolio with the award of a H2 blending contract from Latvian Natural Gas Operator, Conexus Baltic Grid.
Tata Steel, ECOLOG to collaborate on a liquid H2 and CO2 corridor
In collaboration with the Norwegian producer Gen2 Energy and the Port of Amsterdam, Tata Steel and ECOLOG have entered into an agreement to explore the import of liquid H2.
14 Nov 2024
Hydrexia to facilitate H2 development in Malaysia
Hydrexia SDN. BHD, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hydrexia Holding Ltd., has signed an MoU with Worldwide Energy Development SDN BHD to jointly develop the H2 market in Malaysia.
07 Nov 2024
Empire Diversified Energy signs Appalachian regional clean H2 hub sub-recipient agreement with Battelle
Empire Diversified Energy, Inc. announced the execution of the sub-recipient agreement with Battelle Memorial Institute (Battelle) for the Appalachian Regional Clean H2 Hub (ARCH2).
Hexagon and Chevron Australia agree on indication of gas supply for WAH2 project
Hexagon Energy Materials has agreed to an Indication for the Supply of Pipeline Gas (indication) from Chevron Australia Pty Ltd.’s WAH2 Clean Ammonia Project.